Monday, October 29, 2012

ReBoot Day 4, Late Afternoon

ReBoot Day 4, Late Afternoon

Wt: 247

I made it through most of yesterday on the ReBoot.  I was very weak and had some hot/cold flashes.  Definitely sweating off and on too.  I fell asleep on the couch while my family was watching Avatar.  When I awoke, my husband had baked corn bread to go with the crockpot chili.  The smell made me super hungry.  I did end up eating 1/2 cup (I measured it) of chili, but stayed away from the corn bread.  I made a ProFit shake about 45 minutes after I ate the chili, but was unable to finish it because I was so full.  

In the middle of the night, I thought I was going to have to vomit due to the chili.  I woke up with the taste.  It quickly went away, but it was probably not the best choice to break a fast with...

Today started out rough.  This was my first day to work while doing the ReBoot.  I really wanted my Iced Mocha that I get on work mornings.  I need to look up ProFit Mocha recipes.  I know there is one out there!  I had my ProFit Shake with Greens added to it for breakfast.  Then about 10:00, I had another serving of Greens.  Once I got to about 11:30 am I was feeling very weak.  It was taking all I had to even walk up the hallway.  I was sweating again, almost felt feverish.  It has been very muggy here though and the AC was on in the office.  My skin felt cold, but I was sweating.  Others were complaining of similar feelings, so I'm not sure if that is related to the ReBoot.  

We take lunch at 1:00.  I went home and did eat a slice of Dave's Killer Bread, with Peanut Butter and Honey on it.  I felt soooo much better this afternoon.  I was able to finish the day easily.  I'm thinking this was my last day to ReBoot.  

Now the challenge is going to stay away from white flour and sugar, pretty much all simple carbs.  I am staying with all of the supplements and will drink a ProFit shake daily, as well as at least one serving of Greens.  After watching the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", my hubby and I have decided to add LOTS more veggies and fruit to our diet.  We want to follow the food pyramid that was shown in the movie.  I followed a well balanced, with no simple carbohydrates, eating plan about 12 years ago.  I was able to loose over 50 pounds that way.  I also felt amazing!  So that is the plan.  

Stay tuned.  I'm going to be posting my daily food diary.  

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Re-Boot Day 2, Mid-afternoon

Made it through the Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch feeling alright.  It was nice to get out and walk in the fresh air.  It didn't even rain on us, although it was super muddy!  I got an apple from the produce stand that was delicious.  On the way home, I started feeling sweaty and nauseous though.  Tried to keep my eyes closed and head back the whole way, thankfully, my hubby was driving.  Once I got home, I realized that my cycle just started.  This is making me think that tomorrow is going to SUCK!  I know from past experience that the 3rd day of a detox is always the hardest... Add Aunt Flow to that, and man oh man... 
I'm still dizzy.  I don't want to drink anything right now due to my upset tummy.  We will see how the rest of the day goes.  I'm thinking it's nap time now.  I broke down and took 2 Excedrin.  

ReBoot Day 2, Mid-morning

ReBoot Day 2, Mid-morning

Wt: 249

I stayed up way too late last night.  The rest of the family was out, I decided to stay home since it was day 1 and I wanted to avoid temptations.  I did eat an apple, but other than that, I had Greens and ProFit.  

This morning, I woke up with a throbbing headache.  Not sure if it is entirely from detoxing or partially from my head cold/sinuses.  I woke up around 7:30 am, drank some Greens and took Ibuprofen and went back to bed.  Got up again at 10:00, headache is still present, but not throbbing.  Drinking my ProFit with Greens in it and then getting ready to go to a corn maze and pumpkin patch.  

I'll check in again this evening :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

ReBoot, Day 1, mid-day

Well, it is about noon on my first day of ReBoot.  So far so good.

Weight: 252
Hips: 52"
Waist: 49 1/2"
Upper Waist: 48 1/2"
Chest: 50 1/2"
Upper Arm: 17"
Ear to Ear (under chin): 10"

So far today has been pretty typical, except the food/beverage part.  Friday's a little lazier for me.  The girls are at school, my husband is at work, and I don't usually have any appointments scheduled.  It is my quiet time that I get once a week.  I am a bit tired this morning, but I'm also fighting a little head cold, so it is nothing out of the ordinary.  

I got up around 9am and had my glass of Greens.
I took 3 It's Vital, 2 Confianza, 2 Thermofit and 1 Relief
I've had a ProFit Shake, that was around 10:15.
I had another glass of Greens at 12:00.
Plus, I have drank almost a quart of water.

A Little History

My name is Terra and I live in the Southern Willamette Valley in Oregon.  I am married, have 2 teenage foster daughters, and work as a dental hygienist.  When I was nineteen, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  This was well before those were common words for ladies to hear.  I had always been a bit chubby growing up, but once I was in college, I gained about 50 lbs.  I have yo-yo'd my whole adult life since then.  The typical lose 50, gain 60, lose 20, gain 25... So over the years, I've gained a bit more and more.  As I'm nearing 40, it is even more of a struggle to lose weight.  I get so frustrated when I do all the same stuff as others, then watch them drop pounds and I stay the same.  My body has liked the 250-253 range for about a year now.  I did get it down from 270 though!  
I decided to start this blog to keep myself accountable, but also because I've found an amazing company and products that are working (for everyone around me)!  I became an It Works! Independent Distributor on June 29, 2012.  It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.  I have seen results that would blow your mind, in very short periods of time, we're talking 45 minutes!  The problem is, those are others' results, not mine.  
It Works! number one selling product is the "Ultimate Body Applicator".  It is a non-woven cloth filled with all natural extracts and ingredients that tighten, tone and firm your skin.  After a single use, many people will even feel a big difference in how their pants fit!  Well, I've wrapped about 10 times.  Yes, my stretch marks have faded, and my skin feels amazing, but my pants feel the same... I've been racking my brain, trying to figure out how come this is not working for me when it works for everyone else (sometime it will take 2-3 wraps, but not 10!)
Some more recent medical issues have cropped up.  I switched my PCP (Primary Care Provider) about 5 months ago, and of course had the full blood work up.  We figured I would be insulin resistant, that is just part of the PCOS.  We had no idea that my inflammation markers would be OFF THE CHART.  Inflammation markers are used to predict heart disease.  My number was about 4 times that of someone at high risk for heart disease.  Obviously, something was wrong.  I have been suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome   (CTS) for over two years and have been seeing a Physical Therapist (PT) this whole time.  Between my PCP, my PT, my sister (who is an RN) and myself, we figured it was the CTS and my weekly PT visits stirring up the inflammation in my system.  
Then, earlier this month, I had some significant swelling in my left arm.  It felt like a huge bruise, but no purple marking.  The swelling started at my wrist and went up to the inside of my elbow.   I thought I had slept wrong on it.  But, over the next few days it got so bad I had a hard time putting on a pair of gloves at work.  After showing my sister, (who by the way is not only an RN, but she specializes in the cardiac unit) she suggested I get checked for a blood clot.  I had an ultrasound and there was no blood clot.  I was diagnosed with Phlebitis, inflammation of the blood veins, but no one knew the source.  Of course this meant a follow up visit and we did more blood work.  Well, my inflammation markers came back almost double what they were 5 months ago!!!  What?!?  How can that happen?  Where is this coming from?  My PCP then suggested avoiding Beef and Milk products, since they can cause inflammation in the system, and a 2 week blood draw.  That is scheduled on Nov 7, 2012.  
A couple of nights ago, the same day I got my blood results, another It Works! Distributor posted about a "reboot".  I told you about It Works!' most popular product, but the company and its' products are about full body health and nutrition too.  Someone within the company came up with a "reboot" using the It Works! "Greens", "Profit" and other supplements.  The "reboot" is based on information they got from the MD that works with It Works! and by taking the knowledge from the film "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".   This is not recommended for everyone, nor is it endorsed by the company.  It should only be done with medical permission/supervision.  But I need something BAD!  I need to address all of the inflammation in my system and try to figure out where it is stemming from.  If it is digestive, this can be a way to figure that out.  Also, is this why the Ultimate Body Wraps don't seem to work as well for me?  So, today, Oct 26th, is my Day 1 of a 10 day "reboot".  Read my future blogs to track how I'm doing and how well my next wrap works... That will be done on November 8th, 2012.